Semen GOLD (up to 3 entries)
- 23%
/ 365 daysPer Package
- Auto renewing
- 3 Regular Listings
- Title
- Breed
- Name of the dog
- Kennel of the dog
- Available semen
- Registration number (dog)
- Date of birth
- Bonitation date
- Height of the dog (cm)
- Weight of the dog (Kg)
- Name of the father
- Name of the mother
- Name of the grandfather (paternal side)
- Name of grandmother (paternal side)
- Name of the grandfather (maternal side)
- Name of the grandmother (maternal side)
- First name
- Last name
- Street, house number
- Zip/Post Code
- City
- Country
- Phone
- Website
- Social Media
- Photo from the dog (Maximum of 4)
- Address
- Map
- Pedigree
- Description: (Maximum of 1000)
- Date of deceased:
- Height of the dog (inch)
- Weight of the dog (lbs)
- Privacy Policy
Frozen- / Natural semen
- 25%
/ 365 daysPer Listing
- Auto renewing
- Title
- Breed
- Name of the dog
- Kennel of the dog
- Available semen
- Registration number (dog)
- Date of birth
- Bonitation date
- Height of the dog (cm)
- Weight of the dog (Kg)
- Name of the father
- Name of the mother
- Name of the grandfather (paternal side)
- Name of grandmother (paternal side)
- Name of the grandfather (maternal side)
- Name of the grandmother (maternal side)
- First name
- Last name
- Street, house number
- Zip/Post Code
- City
- Country
- Phone
- Website
- Social Media
- Photo from the dog
- Address
- Map
- Pedigree
- Description: (Maximum of 1000)
- Date of deceased:
- Height of the dog (inch)
- Weight of the dog (lbs)
- Privacy Policy